You Need It, We Have It
Credit Account Application Form
To apply for credit with Logic Lumber and Logic Insulation, please fill out the following application.
If you are a registered or incorporated/limited liability company, please complete the top section of the form, as well as the phone numbers, project information, and credit limit request fields.
For all other accounts, please start at the All Other Accounts portion of the form and fill out to the bottom.

TERMS: ALL ACCOUNTS are due and payable on the 15th of the month following shipment unless stated otherwise on the invoice. OVERDUE ACCOUNTS are subject to interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of 24 percent per annum. I agree to pay any and all COLLECTION COSTS and/or COSTS ON A SOLICITOR CLIENT BASIS necessary for the collection of any unpaid balance and additionally I agree to submit to BINDING ARBITRATION if it is necessary in order to settle any unresolved dispute.
NOTE: The above information is given solely for the purpose of obtaining credit and is warranted to be true. I/We hereby authorize you to investigate applicable credit history pertaining to my/our credit and financial responsibility.